I've always thought automatic transmissions were for wimps, but that's me driving the Dodge Dakota with an automatic tranny. Not because I can't tell the difference between a gas pedal and a clutch, but because makers of trucks -- both foreign and domestic -- have given up on the notion of sticks.
It's hard to find a manual transmission these days. In 1980, J.D. Powers and Associates estimates that more than 35% of all cars sold had a stick shift. By 2005, that number had dropped to 6%. Four years later, finding a car with a manual transmission is a big challenge -- you have to go either high end or very low end. 2008 was the last year that any manufacturer of full-size trucks offered a manual transmission. The 2008 Dodge Ram was the last to make manual an option. In 2009, the macho truck propelled by a driver with skill has gone the way of the buggy whip...Continued
On a somewhat random note, people even say those who drive stick are sexier than those that don't. Needless to say, I agree :)
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